The Project
MOMcircle was an extensive project stretching across 4 years. Focus groups and research helped guide creation of the content WIC moms were looking for. In addition to education, most moms craved connections with other moms (since most of their days were spent with one or more children). Talking to another adult was a great thing... when it was another mom like them, it was even better.
After initial research and phone support groups, we built a website for the moms to stay connected. More content was created beginning with the Let's Eat cooking-with-your-kids video series. The videos were shot with the intent of web delivery, but they were also added to educational curriculums and played in waiting rooms throughout the Chickasaw Nation.
A native app for iOS and Android was also developed to allow access to the videos and recipes along with lots of other tips and tools for moms.
The complete series is available at
This project was a part of the content created for I shot and edited several quick and easy meals to make with your kids.
Recipe Video Album
Click through the album to watch all 13 recipe videos.
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